
Nov 28, 2017    
10:00 am - 11:30 am


Ohio Valley Regional Development Commission
73 Progress Drive, Waverly, Ohio, 45690

Join us as we learn more about the ODNR Clean Ohio Trails Fund and ODOT’s Transportation Alternatives Program. 

The Clean Ohio Trails Fund works to improve outdoor recreational opportunities for Ohioans by funding trails for outdoor pursuits of all kinds. Special emphasis was given to projects that:

  • Are consistent with the statewide trail plan;
  • Complete regional trail systems and links to the statewide trail plan;
  • Link population centers with outdoor recreation area and facilities;
  • Involve the purchase of rail lines linked to the statewide trail plan;
  • Preserve natural corridors;
  • Provide links in urban areas to support commuter access and provide economic benefit.

Mary Fitch, Recreation Services Administrator with ODNR, will be explaining the Clean Ohio Trails fund purpose, eligible projects, and how to apply.


The Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP) provides funds for projects that advance non-motorized transportation facilities, historic transportation preservation, and environmental mitigation and vegetation management activities. ODOT encourages adding alternatives to planned transportation projects rather than stand-alone projects. TAP funded activities must be accessible to the general public or targeted to a broad segment of the general public.

Jeff Shaner, Program Administrator from the Ohio Department of Transportation, will be giving an overview of the TAP program.


Register below or call OVRDC (740-947-2853) to register for this FREE workshop!  Make sure to mention the “Trail Funding Workshop” when you call.