Read the latest LDD Annual Report for the Appalachian Ohio region.

Local Development Districts (LDDs) — also known as local Council of Governments, Regional Planning and Development Commissions, or Area Development Districts — are multi-county planning organizations facilitating community-based, regionally driven, economic development.  Guided by local leaders, elected officials, business representatives and other community stakeholders, ARC relies on LDDs to lead and leverage local partnerships.  There is a total of 74 LDDs in the 13 states located within the Appalachian Region, and four LDDs designated to serve the Appalachian Region of Ohio.

Buckeye Hills Regional Council

Eastgate Regional Council of Governments

Ohio Mid-Eastern Governments Association

The Ohio Valley Regional Development Commission

LDDs support private sector job creation, promote workforce skills and readiness, connect local businesses to state, global and national markets, provide access to capital, and help plan, build and finance vital infrastructure necessary to grow communities, villages, townships, cities, and counties in the region.

The Development District Association of Appalachia (DDAA) provides ongoing technical assistance, peer learning, and other support to the Region’s LDDs.

Read the latest LDD Annual Report for the Appalachian Ohio region.