Small Business Relief Programs Webinar
OVRDC will host an online Q&A presentation by the Small Business Administration’s Alex Kohls on Wednesday, September 19, 2020, from 1 pm to 2 pm. Mr. Kohls will cover general information about available SBA programs, with more detailed information about COVID Relief Programs and the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP).
OVRDC will share information on the new EDA Revolving Loan Fund Low-Interest Business Sustainability Loan program that will be accepting applications beginning this month. More information on the OVRDC Business Sustainability Loan program is available here.
Specific program information will include the Economic Injury Disaster Loan program (EIDL) and the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP). The EIDL program is designed to provide economic relief to businesses that are currently experiencing a temporary loss of revenue due to coronavirus (COVID-19). The PPP program is an SBA loan to help businesses keep their workforce employed during the Coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis.
Wednesday, September 16, 2020, from 1:00 pm to 2:00 pm.
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