Recovery Housing Summit


Feb 25, 2021    
9:00 am - 11:00 am

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What is recovery housing and why is it important to the Ohio Valley region?

The Ohio Valley Regional Development Commission and local stakeholders—with help from the Appalachia Regional Commission (ARC) and the Development District of Appalachia (DDAA)—have formed the Ohio Valley Recovery to Work Cohort focused on creating regional programs to help individuals recovering from substance use disorders as they strive to become productive members of the local workforce. Critical this mission is ensuring the availability of recovery-safe housing.

Ohio Valley Recovery Housing Summit Agenda   

Join us for the Ohio Valley Recovery Housing Summit to learn about the community impacts of recovery housing and how it can benefit the community.

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Substance use recovery requires collaborative action to help individuals become stable contributors to the workforce. This project seeks to support the creation of active, successful “ecosystems” of regional organizations working together to help individuals in recovery succeed in the labor market and help companies to find and support those individuals successfully.

The Ohio Valley Recovery to Work Cohort group was assembled and chosen as one of four proposals in the 13-state Appalachian Region through a grant sponsored by the Development District Association of Appalachia (DDAA), an affiliate of the Appalachian Regional Commission (ARC). Through the work of the Cohort, three areas were identified for advocacy, including transportation, employer engagement, and housing. The housing advocacy planning is what brought the online Ohio Valley Recovery Housing Summit planning to life.