
Dec 1, 2020    
6:00 pm - 7:00 pm

Event Type

Public Forum for Scioto County Transportation Services Feedback

We want to hear from you! Please join us for a public forum about transportation options in Scioto County. Your feedback will help to guide transportation services in our community.

Two meeting times are available: Tuesday, December 1, 2020 at 12PM and again at 6PM. Meetings will be held virtually viz Zoom with a telephone call-in option. Recordings of the meetings will be available on the project website.

12 PM – 1 PM Meeting

Join: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/6025973177 or +1 646 558 8656

Meeting ID: 602 597 3177

6 PM – 7 PM Meeting

Join: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/6025973177 or +1 646 558 8656

Meeting ID: 602 597 3177

More information is available at burtonplanning.com/sciotocountycoordinatedplan/



OVRDC is a Regional Transportation Planning Organization (RTPO) as designated by the Ohio Department of Transportation. In 2013, OVRDC became one of five RTPOs in Ohio. As an RTPO, OVRDC assists community partners and local government to help plan a robust regional transportation system for eleven rural southern Ohio counties. The RTPO service area includes the counties of Adams, Brown, Fayette, Gallia, Highland, Jackson, Lawrence (rural area), Pike, Ross, Scioto and Vinton. We work on a wide range of projects, including data collection and analysis, project planning, grant writing, and project funding research. For project planning funding opportunities, resources, current projects and program information click here.