All membership to the Ohio Public Works Commission (OPWC) District 15 Integrating Committee shall expire as of September 30, 2021.
According to the Ohio Revised Code Chapter 164.04 section 6, three members to the committee shall be appointed by a majority of the boards of township trustees located within the district.
Please refer to the ballot below and complete it accordingly. The ballot must be returned by mail or submitted below to the Ohio Valley Regional Development Commission at the attention of Shannon Nichols by August 6, 2021. Upon the arrival of the deadline date, all ballots received will be tallied and a complete list of nominees will be compiled. The list will in turn be forwarded to all the district’s boards of township trustees for a final vote. This ballot is essential to the legal formation of the District 15 Full Integrating Committee.
Kim Reynolds
OPWC District 15 Liaison