The OVRDC Executive Committee Meeting is scheduled for January 30, 2025, at 1:30 p.m., at the OVRDC office, 73 Progress Drive, Waverly, Ohio.
Click to view the OVRDC Regional Safety Action Plan (New Business item d. On the Preliminary Agenda in the attachment included with this email ):
Reminder: The Nominating Committee will be meeting at 1:00 p.m. A calendar invite has been sent out to members.
Please note the new item on the agenda listed as “Member Discussion”. This will be an opportunity to ask questions or get advice of the group about any pressing issues you are dealing with. If you would like to pose a topic in advance for the group to consider before the meeting, please email Stephanie Gilbert or myself and we will send information out so that the group is prepared to discuss your topic.
Please RSVP to Monica (mgaffin@ovrdc.org) or Shannon (snichols@ovrdc.org), or call (740) 947-2853.
The Executive Committee will be held in-person for all voting members who will make up our quorum and any guests. For any members that cannot attend in-person but wish to attend via Zoom, be advised that your vote cannot be counted.