The How to Get Started Grant Writing webinar scheduled for Wednesday, June 9, 2021, is hosted by the Ohio LTAP Center.
If you are interested in learning how to tackle a grant or funding application, or would like a refresher, this webinar is for you!
Writing a grant or funding application can seem like an impossible task if you have never completed one before. It can seem daunting even if you have completed one or more but weren’t given any guidance on how to approach the project. During this webinar, learn the basics of how to tackle and complete a grant or funding application. Topics will cover reviewing and understanding what your application requires, organization to collect the application’s information, readability of your application, and considerations for strengthening your application’s chances of being funded. You won’t become a grant or application writing expert by participating in this webinar, but you will take away a method for approaching and completing applications.
The webinar will be provided by Victoria Beale of the Ohio LTAP Center. Victoria has over seventeen years of experience in grant and application writing with many successful awards which have provided LTAP’s grant-funded courses.
NOTE: This webinar will NOT cover actual funding sources. If you are interested in available funding programs from ODOT, please see the funding programs guide online here.
Registration Information – There is no registration fee for this training. Please register HERE now to participate in the webinar.