“ArcMap to Illustrator” – Ken Shonkwiler, Ohio Mid-Eastern Governments Association
“High Accuracy Mapping with Bluetooth GPS Receivers” – Paul Nieberding, Fondriest Environmental
Utilizing ArcMap for GIS data analysis is great, but when you want to create a high quality printed map, it is somewhat limited. Fortunately, ArcMap has the built-in capability to export .ai files, which means you can style your ArcMap mxd in Adobe Illustrator. Ken Shonkwiler from Ohio Mid-Eastern Governments Association will share the ins and outs of styling a map in Illustrator, focusing on labeling features. After that, continuing with our broader theme this year of GIS in the mobile environment, Paul Nieberding from Fondriest Environmental will share some of the new technology related to GPS devices and mobile data collection. He will focus on the Bluetooth capable GPS devices from Geneq and Eos, and demonstrate how you can utilize these devices for high-accuracy field data collection using a mobile device, without the need for post-processing.