Work Begins on a Coordinated Regional Transit Plan

Regional Transit Coordination Council Holds First Meeting

OVRDC hosted the first Regional Transit Coordination Council Meeting in Waverly on April 9, 2024, with 33 attendees from across the region who met and approved the first draft of sections of the Regional Coordinated Transportation Plan. The Council consists of stakeholders from each of the county’s Transportation Advisory Council/Transportation Coordination Council from counties in Region 7, which includes Adams, brown, Gallia, Highland, Jackson, Lawrence, Pike, Ross, Scioto, and Vinton.
The meeting was organized by OVRDC’s Regional Transit Specialist Marlana Hopkins with an agenda to discuss sections of the plan that have been completed and vote for approval or dismissal. At this meeting, the council asked for five amendments and then unanimously voted for approval of the Executive Summary section of the Coordinated Plan.
“Regional Coordination is crucial to help people gain access to cross- county transportation. This will allow individuals of our communities to access to jobs, and important medical appointments outside of their own counties,” Marlana Hopkins, OVRDC Regional Transit Coordinator.
“Advocating for expansion of accessible transportation in the region should be our number one priority,” said Dana Glassburn Gallia County JFS Mobility Manager.
Often individuals with disabilities are unable to find reliable transportation to appointments, especially non-ambulatory individuals who need transported by cot to get to their appointments. Many providers in the region have a limited number or no wheelchair accessible vehicles. The work of the Regional Transit Coordination Council is to investigate and propose transportation solutions that work for all residents, recognizing targeted investment in transport networks is essential for long-term economic development and growth.
One of the first actions of the Council is the deployment of the 2024 Region 7 Public Transportation Survey. This survey is intended to gather information about the needs and available transportation options in the region. OVRDC will use the survey results to help Mobility Managers understand the transportation needs of our community and how to develop plans so they are used more effectively and report those needs to ODOT.

Your voice matters. Please help shape the future of Public Transportation in our region and give your feedback! Take the Public Transportation Survey today.

The next quarterly meeting will be held on July 9, 2024, at FRS Transportation, located at 509 E Main Street in West Union, Ohio in Adams County.