I’m ready to start my Project Application.
First, determine who will be applying. Eligible applicants for ARC funding include:
- political subdivisions (county, city, village)
- educational institutions (school districts and vocational school districts, college and universities)
- public institutions (port authorities, libraries, local governing boards)
- non-profit organizations (community improvement corporations, social service agencies)
- Indian tribes
Check out these ARC project guidelines for additional details that will assist you in constructing your application.
Consider the following requirements early in the application process.
Competitive procurement processes are required when obtaining project engineers and contractors. The process can be completed by advertising either a request for proposal process or a request for qualifications process. Refer to 2 CFR Part 200 in the Code of Federal Regulations for more information on procurement. Download this guide to creating an RFQ.
- Engineering consult section 2CRF Part 200.320(b)(2)(iv).
- Contractors consult section 2CFR Part 200.319(b) Contractors that develop or draft specifications, requirements, statements of work, or invitations for bids or RFPs MUST be excluded from competing for such procurements.
Applicants must apply for and use and Unique Entity Identifier (UEID) which has replaced the DUNS Number that used to be necessary. To obtain a new UEID number or check for an existing number, visit SAM.gov.
Buy America Guidelines are used for most projects. Learn more about the types of projects subject to Buy America requirements and the process to request waivers here.
Submit a Letter of Intent
The time to submit your Letter of Intent is now up until December 31, 2024. The LOI includes a short, one-page summary of your project. The LOI is due before pre-applications are due, so that our team may review preliminary project plans and give you feedback designed to help make the application as strong as possible before it heads into the competitive review process. Contact OVRDC Development Specialist Kerri Richardson, at (740) 947-2853 for more information.
The Letter of Intent for FY26 is available now click here. The deadline to submit your FY’25 Pre Application is May 23, 2025.
Review the Application Process Timeline and Prepare a Pre-Application
Download the FY26 ARC application process timeline document here.
Download Step-by-step Guidelines for preparing a Construction Pre-Application.
Download Step-by-step Guidelines for preparing a Non-Construction Pre-Application.
Take a look at projects funded last year and the scoring rubric
Review FY25 Top Project Rankings determined by the project review committee.
Download the FY26 evaluation scoring rubric here to see where and how points are awarded.
Download a list of the projects that were funded last year.
Identify a Basic Agency
Federal and state public agencies experienced at managing federal construction grants can be approved as designated ARC Basic Agencies. Core Basic Agency functions include acting as an administration agent, compliance monitor, and fiscal agent. Often project partners must have grant/loan funds involved in the project to take on the Basic Agency role. ARC currently partners with the following federal and state basic agencies to administer and manage construction projects in the Appalachian Region:
Federal and State Basic Agency Partners
- U.S. Department of Agriculture Rural Development
- U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
- U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration
- U.S. Department of Commerce Economic Development Administration
- State of Ohio/Ohio Department of Development/Governor’s Office of Appalachia
- Ohio Environmental Agency – EPA
- U.S. Army Corp of Engineers
- United States Department of Agriculture – USDA
Plan to meet the Match Requirements
By law, most ARC grants require applicants to secure match funding for their project and submit proof of committed match as part of the grant application. All match becomes part of the project and is subject to federal regulations. Each fiscal year, ARC determines the match rate for each county, based on specific economic data points. Projects serving counties with higher levels of economic distress are eligible for more funding and lower match rates. Below are the determined match amounts for FY25-26 applicants by county. The match rate for multi-county projects is determined on a project-by-project basis. Please contact OVRDC for more information.
Types of Match
Every ARC application must include a formal letter as documentation of a commitment to provide the match funds required.
- Cash is the most common form of match funds and often comes from the grantee’s own funds, donations from non-federal third parties or partner organizations. Loans are also counted as cash contributions.
- In-kind or the value of non-cash donations can also be pledged to meet the required match amount. These can include real property (including land and or buildings), equipment, supplies, services, training, or other expendable property. Examples of in-kind donations include but are not limited to personal time given to a project, person on loan from another organization/corporation, donation of our use of equipment, like a crane or bulldozer, expert service, like engineering or architectural services.
- Value of a lease for project space
OVRDC can often advise you to help find sources of match funds. Below are several agencies with potential match fund programs.

Watch this ARC POWER program grant webinar for additional information on match requirements and sources.
How to Determine the ARC Project Performance Measures
All successful project applications must have documented performance measures. Measures may be in the form of outputs or outcomes. Outputs are the direct products of project activities and are frequently measured in terms of the volume of work accomplished. Outcomes are benefits or changes for individuals, communities, organizations, businesses, or other entities during or after the project’s grant period. They are measurable results or impact. You will estimate your project’s performance measures and report on progress in regular interim and closeout reports, once your application is funded.
Download this ARC Performance Measures FAQ document here.