Appalachian Regional Commission (ARC) Program
The mission of the ARC is to be a strategic partner and advocate for sustainable community and economic development in Appalachia. The current ARC 2022 – 2026 Strategic Plan, “Investing in Appalachia’s Future,” lists 5 goals that define social and economic conditions that must be created to realize the ARC vision and guide the Commission’s program investment. The ARC 2022-2026 Strategic Plan will assist you with preparing a project proposal summary.
- Economic Opportunities – invest in entrepreneurial and business development strategies that strengthen Appalachia’s economy.
- Ready Workforce – increase the education, knowledge, skills, and health of residents to work and succeed in Appalachia
- Critical infrastructure – invest in critical infrastructure especially broadband, transportation, including the Appalachian Development Highway System, and water/wastewater systems
- Natural and Cultural Assets – strengthen Appalachia’s community and economic development potential by leveraging the Region’s natural and cultural heritage assets.
- Leadership and Community Capacity – Build the capacity and skills of current and next-generation leaders and organizations to innovate, collaborate, and advance community and economic development.
Video source: Standard Forms for Construction Applications – Appalachian Regional Commission (arc.gov)
OVRDC’s Appalachian Regional Commission Fund FY’25 Letter of Intent is now live. Please fill out a separate LOI for each project you plan to submit for ARC funding. LOI’s will be available through March 1, 2024.
It is encouraged to send in your completed LOI’s as soon as possible so that we at OVRDC have time to review your project and make suggestions. The letter of intent is also awarded bonus points on the final scoring of your submitted pre-applications (10 bonus points).
ARC Pre-Applications will be made available on January 1, 2024. For any questions or assistance reach out to Kerri Richardson, Development Specialist, 740-947-2853 or krichardson@ovrdc.org.
Click on each of the links below for more information: